SHOCKING Details on Your LexisNexis Credit Report That You Don’t Know About … and How Lenders and Credit Issuers
Use This Intrusive Information to Deny

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Wednesday, 23 October 2024, at 12:00 PM EST

Wednesday, 23 October 2024, at 7:00 PM EST

During this webinar, you’ll discover …

  • The shocking thoroughness of the information on a LexisNexis report
  • What LexisNexis is
  • The kinds of information they gather about everyone…
  • …like speeding tickets, divorce records, and your mortgage…
  • …and any bankruptcies and evictions
  • …and even if you’re on the sex offender registry or have a firearms permit
  • How LexisNexis gets their data…
  • …and how public it all is, and how hard it is to opt out
  • How a lot of the data goes back all the way to your birth
  • How this data is used to deny you business loans, credit, and more
  • How LexisNexis data helps police catch criminals
  • And much more...

About your presenter

Ty Crandall is an internationally known speaker, author, and business credit expert. With over 17 years of financial experience Ty is recognized as an authority in business credit building, business credit scoring, and business financing.

Ty Crandall

Chief Executive Officer

"We at Credit Suite believe everyone should have equal opportunity to access business credit and financing -- no matter what their personal credit may look like."

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