Let The Experts Show You How to Get The Business Funding and Business Credit You Want To Help Your Business Grow and Succeed

A LIVE Event Exclusively For Business Owners … And Aspiring Business Owners … in Tampa Bay, Florida.

A special Live In-Person Event Business Funding Seminar - Tampa Bay

Presented by Credit Suite and TY Crandall Founder and CEO of Credit Suite

Free For Members
Of Tampa Bay Chamber
… $597 For Non-Members.

Are you a business owner or decision maker in the Tampa Bay area? Are you looking for business credit or funding for your business? Are you simply interested in learning more about this important subject?

If the answer to any of the above is “yes” then make sure you attend this special event …

23-26 Dec, 2022

Tampa Bay, Florida

During This in-Person Seminar, you’ll Discover…

How Any business can get money regardless of cash flow, collateral, or business credit status.

Proven advice for existing business owners Looking for business funding and business credit.

Proven advice for people who want money to start a business.

The power of “Fundability” … making your business super-attractive to lenders.

The real reason business owners get rejected for business credit and business funding … and how to turn a “no” into a “yes.”

How to “hack” the secret formula lenders use to approve you … so you get more approvals, more money, and better terms … it’s all completely legal FYI.

Three things you must do if you want money to launch a new business.

How to qualify for business credit lines, loans, and business credit cards … even if you have challenged or limited consumer credit.

How to get $500,000+ in funding to grow and expand your business. Hint: it’s easier than you might think … and it can happen in the next 14 days.

Why your bank is usually the last place to go for funding.

The “under the radar” lenders who are much easier to deal with than traditional banks.

Why it’s important to keep your business credit separate from your personal assets … and how to make this happen.

How to use business credit to get high-limit revolving credit accounts without a personal guarantee or consumer credit check.

And much, much more.

Four Information-Packed Sessions To Help You Understand This Crucial Part of Your Business

The Business Funding Seminar – Tampa Bay is split into four sessions.



How to Improve Your Fundability

Fundability is a core concept at Credit Suite. Fundability is a measure of how attractive you are to potential lenders. The vast majority of applications for business funding and business credit are denied because companies don’t meet basic qualification standards required by lenders and credit departments. In other words, their Fundability is low.

During this session, you’ll discover how to improve your fundability so
you get the business credit you want.

  • You will know how to get approved … plus how to get approved for higher amounts at better terms … thanks to an increase in your fundability.
  • If you’re starting a business, you’ll know how to set up your business the right way so you are instantly attractive to lenders.
  • If you currently have a business, we’ll show you the steps you can take to improve your fundability.



How to Access and Improve the "SecretCredit Reports Used By Lenders and Credit Departments.

Fundability is a core concept at Credit Suite. Fundability is a measure of how attractive you are to potential lenders. The vast majority of applications for business funding and business credit are denied because companies don’t meet basic qualification standards required by lenders and credit departments. In other words, their Fundability is low.

During this session, you’ll discover how to improve your fundability so
you get the business credit you want.

  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Experian and Equifax Commercial
  • LexisNexis
  • ChexSystems
  • Small Business Financial Exchange



The “3 C’s” Cash Acquisition Formula.

Nearly 90% of applications for business funding get denied because business owners are applying for the wrong lending program with the wrong funding source.

In this session, you’ll discover how to avoid being in that 90% … and get into the 10% of businesses that are successful when it comes to being approved.
You’ll discover how any business owner can access business credit and business funding by using the “3 C’s” Cash Acquisition formula.

We’ll cover … 

  • How to access NO DOC credit lines you can use to launch a new business.
  • Loans and credit lines from lenders who don’t care about your personal credit quality.
  • How to get interest rates of 5% or less, even if you’re considered a “high risk” borrower.
  • How to get funding with terms of 0% … with no income verification.
  • Ways to get a “yes” from a lender even if you think you can’t qualify or if you’ve been turned down before.

The tactics you’ll discover in this session are proven … and helping businesses get credit and funding right now.



How to Build Rock-Solid Business Credit.

You’ll discover how to build your business credit so your company can fund itself. It’s important to build business credit that’s not linked to your personal credit.

Rock-solid business credit will help you qualify for higher loan amounts at great terms … with no personal guarantee or consumer credit check.
We will show you how the top companies use business credit … and how you can use exactly the same tactics.

Seminar Schedule

The Business Funding Seminar – Tampa Bay is a full-day event packed with powerful information from top experts in this field.


03 December 2022

9:30 A.M

Welcome and registration 

10:00 A.M

Session 1 How to Improve Your Fundability.

11:00 A.M

Session 2. How to Access and Improve the “Secret” Credit Reports Used By Lenders and Credit Departments.

01:00 P.M

Session 3. The “3 C’s” Cash Acquisition Formula.

02:00 P.M

Session 2. How to Build Rock-Solid Business Credit.

Apply this code with great deal


This Event is $597 But is FREE for members of the Tampa Bay Chamber.

Don't forget your discount code! [need more clarity]


An Awesome Place For Networking

During this special event, you’ll get a great opportunity to meet fellow business owners from the Tampa area. You can find company owners who have specific expertise that will be valuable to you. You can also find peer companies who understand how to grow and succeed … and want to meet ambitious business owners like you.

About Credit Suite – Helping Over 50,000 Business Owners Get Business Credit and Business Funding.

The Business Funding Seminar – Tampa Bay is organized by Credit Suite and ORGANIZATION NAME. Credit Suite helps companies understand how business credit and business funding works. Then it helps companies directly find this money. Credit Suite has been recognized as one of America’s fastest-growing companies as a member of the Inc. 5000.


Ty Crandall.

Chief Executive Officer

Event Host
Ty Crandall. One of America’s Top Experts in This Field.

Ty Crandall is an internationally-known speaker, author, and business credit expert. He also makes his home in the Tampa Bay area.
With over 19 years of financial experience, Ty is recognized as an authority in business credit building, business credit scoring, and business financing.

He is also the author of two of the bestselling books on consumer and business credit. These include “Perfect Credit” and “Business Credit Decoded.” In addition, he has written hundreds of published articles relating to business credit. Ty is also often heard being interviewed on countless radio and TV programs, as well as news shows across the country. He has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazines.

He is currently the CEO of Credit Suite. With Credit Suite, Ty consults with and advises companies on business credit building and scoring. He has overseen the business credit building for tens of thousands of clients and has helped create and grow the most credible business credit coaching operation in the United States. Ty has also created and coaches the largest business credit provider network in the world.

Space Is Limited … So Register Now …

We expect full attendance at this special event. It’s a one-time event that will never be repeated and it will not be recorded. If you want to attend, make sure you complete the registration form below right now.

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